Frequently Asked Questions

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Here you can find everything to know so you can use R3sourcer like a pro!

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Yes, we can build custom software solutions for businesses in any industry. We use innovative scientific technology based on mathematical analysis and behavioural statistics. This lets us understand and develop custom functions for any company.  We can develop custom solutions for:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
  • Database Management System
  • Custom Enterprise Applications.

…and many others.

Our pricing depends on the number of employees and functionalities that your company needs to use.

R3sourcer software is user-friendly and extremely easy to use. However, to make our customers’ experience even better, we provide 6 hours training FREE. We monitor sessions to provide interactive, specific training to meet any business goal. If your company still has questions, additional training can be offered. Read more here

R3sourcer can map where your candidates live and where job sites or clients are. It can calculate the distance and time it will take your employee or future candidate to get there.

Clients are able to manage jobs, job sites, authorise timesheets and find and engage workers or new candidates.

Especially useful for companies who bill their clients hourly. When a week, fortnight or month ends, R3sourcer will count all submitted and authorised timesheets and generate an invoice for work done, attaching timesheets for detailed proof.

Ready to join the business automation revolution?

Request a call and we will contact you to provide any information you might need!